Enrico Manzin, CTO and Co-founder of Biotechware attended SIMMED 2014, the National Conference of Medical Simulation, which was held in Florence on November 21st and 22nd.
Simulation is a fully interactive training system based on the use of innovative educational tools introduced into the context of a realistic clinical scenario. After the success of the first two editions, SIMMED, Società Italiana di Simulazione in Medicina, organized a 3rd Nantional Conference on Simulation in Medicine. The program of the Convention included the alternation of plenary sessions based on the theory of simulation and practical sessions addressed to small groups, in which the different hardware and software systems were used in clinical cases, exercises to develop skills and decision-making capacities, also through “gamification” and “serious games”.
Biotechware participated to the SIMMED 2014 presenting CardioPad Pro, the innovative tool that allows having an ECG directly run at the pharmacy in few minutes. Furthermore, a UMTS and Wifi connection shall allow receiving the cardiologist’s analysis directly on line, thus remarkably reducing the timing. Furthermore, a UMTS and Wifi connection shall allow receiving the cardiologist’s analysis directly on line, thus remarkably reducing the timing. Thus, the patient shall be enabled to comfortably run his/her ECG at the pharmacy and receive the cardiologist’s findings on his/her personal profile, which will be easily accessible on-line. “Attending SIMMED 2014 was an opportunity to share, a shop window to tell CardioPad Pro, a way to disseminate our project and tell so many specialists of the sector all its potential” (Enrico Manzin).